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Please note: Older designs that are still valid are retired. Why? Very few get made. They usually take quite a bit more time to update. If you really want to order one of these boards, please contact us.

Estimated Build Timeline After Final Approval

Estimated Build Timeline After Final Approval

Polyurethane Foam & Polyester Resin (PU/PE) - 8 to 10 weeks

Epoly (Polyurethane Foam & Epoxy Resin) - 8 to 12 weeks

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS = Epoxy Resin & Foam) - 8 to 12 weeks

Gloss & Polish - 8 to 12 weeks

Rush - 6 weeks +$250 Fee

Upgrades to stock construction are subject to additional weeks.

Plan for 5-7 business days for shipping & delivery.

Polyurethane Foam & Polyester Resin (PU/PE) - 8 to 10 weeks

Epoly (Polyurethane Foam & Epoxy Resin) - 8 to 12 weeks

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS = Epoxy Resin & Foam) - 8 to 12 weeks

Gloss & Polish - 8 to 12 weeks

Rush - 6 weeks +$250 Fee

Upgrades to stock construction are subject to additional weeks.

Plan for 5-7 business days for shipping & delivery.