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West Coast Board Riders - South Region Stop #1 Oceanside - Recap

Shiloh Page Surfing

We had so much fun supporting the La Jolla Board Riders club as they kicked off the West Coast Board Riders season in Oceanside against Oceanside, Encinitas and Carlsbad Board Rider clubs!! 

West Coast Board Riders was created to connect local surf communities and foster city-wide, friendly competition.

The highlight was watching the club win their U14 heat, the groms were ripping!! It was awesome to see boys and girls in the same heat, having fun and ripping together. Rusty Grom Team rider Shiloh Page, pictured above, finished off her heat to solidify the win! 

Thanks to everyone who came out! It was such a fun day, we are so stoked to be supporting the La Jolla Board Riders club. Support your local surfers!! The future is local.

Grom team at surf contest

Rusty team rider, Tiare Thompson, represented in the Women's heat, pictured below. 

Women surfing in surf contest

Women in surf contest

women heat in surf contest

Below, the 50+ Men's heat getting ready to hop in the water, including Rusty team rider Rick Takahashi.
Men getting ready for their heat in a surf contest

Zeke and Shiloh at the surf contest

Team riders at surf contest