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David Eggers - A Cautionary Tale

David Eggers was THE California golden child in the early 1980’s. He was as dominant as any amateur surfer ever and, with Rusty Surfboards under his feet, was tagged to be the next Tom Curren. Young surfers up and down the coast would share stories of surfing heats with Eggers and spoke of his form and heat strategies for years after their battles with him. He was the best amateur Californian surfer ever. Period.

David won just about every amateur event he entered, dominating the field and gaining the focus of the surfboard world. Labels like " The next Tom Curren" were tossed around and it wasn't disputed. He had that level of raw talent and it seemed like it would be inevitable that he would soon be winning world titles. With a major sponsorship by Gotcha at the age of 16, David dropped out of High School and joined the ASP World Tour at the ripe young age of 17. 

The success that he enjoyed int the amateur ranks was elusive and David bagged a few 17ths and had mixed results at best. His ego lead him to some major conflicts and he endured some major hazing from his Gotcha teammates in Hawaii. Soon, it all spun out of control. He was off-tour, on drugs and soon lost his sponsors. The fall from grace was fast, public and devastating.

Eggers mounted a minor comeback and SURFER Magazine ran an editorial about Eggers and his new Manager Skip Moccetti. That partnership proved toxic and was short lived, and soon David was once again gone from the sport he once loved. 

Rumors of hard drugs, mental illness and personal setbacks drove David into rehab and soon he was living out with his father 100 miles from the beaches of La Jolla out in the most unlikely place. The Salton Sea.

David passed away in late 2016 of natural causes out at his home. The way he surfed the inside left at Windansea and the slabs at Big Rock is still talked about today in the highest regard. He was a beloved early team rider of the Rusty family and is still very missed. RIP Egghead.