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Thirteen Questions With Zeke & Rusty


Jacob "Zeke" Szekely and Rusty Preisendorfer. Two dudes with some seriously tough names,

I know when I first saw one of the "Thirteen Questions," I wondered why 13? When I sat down to film these two opposites, I asked Rusty why and he said it's because he has 13 letters in his last name...PREISENDORFER. 

So there you go.

For this installment we rewind a bit. We ditch the lighting-guy, the professional filmer-guy, craft services, no flights to a far off destinations, no over-produced softball questions. Just two buds who know each others skeletons and who are much more than the bossman and team-rider. These guys are friends.

The questions they ask and the answers they give are good. Sometimes too good. We had to remove some names to protect the innocents and the assholes alike.

So we hope you enjoy this (mostly) unfiltered fireside chat with Jacob "Zeke" Szekely and Rusty Preisendorfer. 
