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Surf n Show Rusty “Twin Fin” Surfboard Review

“This is a favorite of mine for 2021. It’s fast, it’s got that get up and go speed, excellent projection, hold, and drive.”

Noel Salas recently reviewed the Rusty Twin Fin along with a couple other boards as apart of his “Twin Fin Pool Party” mini series. This time, he’s back with a review dedicated exclusively to the Twin Fin with his thoughts and breakdown of the board and how it surfed in the ocean. The Twin Fin he was riding was a stringered EPS/Epoxy at 5’5” x 19.25” x 2.16” (25.5L). Noel is 5’9” and 165 lbs.

Here is what Noel had to say about the Rusty Twin Fin: 

“This particular one would be the easiest one that I’ve actually surfed where I’m going into my bottom turn and I have the confidence that the rail is going to engage, I can push as hard as I want, and get this board to do what I’m looking for.”

“One of the things I noticed about this twin fin that I absolutely love is the drive that I’m getting off the bottom turn”

“There’s something about this particular twin fin. It rolls over on rail very easily so it has good flow.”

“With this performance board category, at 5’5”, I can cover that 1-6 ft surf that I’m riding 95% of the time and the transition from board to board in my quiver isn’t that difficult compared to those typical twin fins.”

To learn more or shop the Twin Fin, click HERE.